Be Ready To Set Up Your Emergency Disaster Surge Shelter On A Moment's Notice

Wednesday August 18, 2021

Shelters for disaster relief are an important aspect of disaster response and recovery in large-scale emergencies.  These shelters are used to give private and secure living spaces for those who have been forced to leave their customary living arrangements due to an emergency disaster.  Not only do these shelters provide urgent and short-term refuge for disaster victims, but they also assist them in recovering from the shock of the catastrophe and providing a foundation to begin the rehabilitation process.

In times of disaster crisis resulting in home displacement, shelter is a critical survival mechanism.  It's crucial for providing basic human necessities during and after emergency disasters when homes are rendered unlivable or destroyed.

In times of catastrophic emergency, ensuring access to suitable shelter is a critical aspect of ProPac's emergency disaster and response duty.  Shelters are provided along with emergency tools, food, water, medical supplies and more. Logistical guidelines for emergency relief is also available to agencies responding to assist those who need it most.

Surge Shelters Should Provide

• A safe place to sleep
• Meals, snacks and water
• Hygiene supplies
• Restrooms and showers
• First Aid and Health services for disaster-related conditions
• Help reconnecting with loved ones
• Information about disaster-related resources in the community
• Access to case workers to help you with disaster recovery
• Child/Infant Care
• Pet Care
• Laundry Services

Setting up Shelters

ProPac and the larger humanitarian aid community believe that shelter options can provide a normal existence for those forced to evacuate. When there is no other option, we meticulously plan shelters with adequate hygiene, rest and food supplies to keep people safe and healthy. 

A well-planned aid shelter environment protects its inhabitants and aids in the prevention of unhealthy surroundings.  Displaced individuals do not have to walk far to acquire food, water, or medical care in a well-designed shelter.  Girls and women, in particular, will not be exposed to hygiene risk because water points and restrooms are readily available.

Working together with emergency management agencies and their first responders, our assistance can mean the difference between life and death during an emergency disaster scenario.

Learn More About ProPac In This Video