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Flood Safety
Tuesday June 21, 2022
Last week, warm rain and quickly melting snowpack caused an unprecedented flood in Southern Montana. Many roads, bridges and houses were severely damaged in and around Yellowstone National Park. The park evacuated 10,000 visitors and over 80 people had to be rescued from flooded campgrounds and small towns. While nobody was hurt, this flood should remind us that disasters like this can take place at any time so it’s better to be prepared now.

Before a Flood
The best way to prepare for a flood is to gather supplies well before there is a chance of a flood. Non-Perishable food and water should be included in your kit. You should have enough to last a couple days to a week. If a flood watch or warning is issued, you should immediately take action to secure your home. Bring in or secure outdoor items like furniture, grills, and trash cans. If you must evacuate, turn off all utilities, main power switch and gas valve. Avoid low lying areas when evacuating if possible.

During a Flood
If evacuating, don’t drive through more than 6 inches of water, this can be enough to sweep away a small car. If sheltering in place, find a centrally located room or move to higher ground if possible. Listen to local radio for updates on the situation, having an emergency weather alert radio can be helpful. The bulk of the work usually comes after a flood in the clean-up effort.
After a Flood
Only return to your home after local authorities have said it is safe to do so. Avoid flood water as it can harbor bacteria and dangerous animals. Listen for boil water advisories, only use bottled, boiled or treated water for drinking and cooking. Practice safe cleaning inside and outside your home. Remove and throw away drywall and insulation contaminated with floodwater or sewage. Throw away items that cannot be washed with a bleach solution. Clean walls, hard-surface floors and other surfaces with soap and water. Disinfect with one cup of bleach to 5 gallons of water.

Clean Up Kit
Having a clean-up kit can speed up the process of removing flood water damage. Some important items to have are a large bucket, trash bags, rubber gloves, sponges, mop, push broom and extra telescoping handles. All of these items and more can be found in the ProPac Clean-Up Kit on our online store.