National Back To School Month

Tuesday August 1, 2023

National Back to School Month


August is National Back to School Month! Now that summer is winding down, kids are gearing up for a new school season.


The purpose of this month is to prepare children and parents for all things back to school. Keeping safety and education in our minds is vital in facilitating a safe and efficient environment for sustainable learning.


According to the Bureau of Justice’s 2020 Report on Indicators of School Crime and Safety, "in 2019, about 5 percent of students ages 12-18 reported that they had been afraid of attack or harm at school…” (U.S. Department of Education, p. 2).


As we focus on back-to-school preparations, it's crucial to address the unfortunate reality of increasing gun violence, necessitating emergency preparedness and triage training, including life-saving measures for gunshot wounds.


Learning to stop a bleed after a gunshot wound is vital in preventing fatalities. Ensuring that schools in your district are readily equipped and amply educated on dealing with casualties from school shootings is imperative to the safety of children and faculty.


Stop the bleed kits are a compact pouch system designed for rapid deployment that includes shears, a tourniquet, bandages, gloves, gauze, wipes, masks, a marker, and a shield.

Knowing how to stop the bleeding is vital, but being able to stop the bleeding is critical. Stop the Bleed kits are here to aid in those stressful situations.


Another important safety device to keep in schools is the AED. AED stands for automated external defibrillator and is used for those experiencing cardiac arrest. Knowing when to use them and how to use them properly can help save lives. Taking the time to become certified can make a difference in saving a life.


Make your local schools a safer place for children by equipping them with the necessary safety tools and practices.