Picking the Right Generator

Tuesday November 30, 2021

There are many different shapes and sizes of generators available to consumers. Picking the correct one for your situation is the hard part. Choosing a generator usually comes down to how much wattage you’ll need and how often the generator will be moved.

To figure out the wattage necessary, add up the wattage of all appliances that will need to be powered by the generator. Here is a simple graphic that illustrates popular household appliances and their corresponding wattages.

ApplianceRunning WattageSurge Wattage (Startup)
LightsCheck Bulb Wattage0
Coffee Maker400-8000
Space Heater13000
Single Room A/C Unit15002200
Central A/C1000011250
Desktop Computer600-20000

Note that some appliances require extra wattage for startup and others don’t, this should be factored into your max wattage calculation.

The second decision that must be made is what type of generator you need, there are about 3 distinct types to choose from:

Portable Generators

This is the most common type of generator. They're usually light enough to be carried by 1 or 2 people or have wheels for easy transport. A Portable Generator can power most appliances in your home depending on wattage and model. Portable generators feature regular 2-prong outlets for ease of use. Great for home use, camping and other recreational activities.

View our Generac and Honda products here.

Standby Generators

Standby Generators are used exclusively for providing backup power to a home or building in case of emergency. These generators are wired directly into the buildings electrical system and are designed to turn on when a building loses power. Usually generate 5,000 – 25,000 watts for a household version.

View our Generac and Honda products here.

Inverter Generators

These generators are smaller and quieter than portables. They also convert to AC power, which is good for charging sensitive electronics like phones and portable batteries.

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